Alpha 2.0.1 Released

Hello backers,

Last night, we pushed Alpha 2.0.1 to Steam (again, open to backers only). After fixing many bugs and doing several (more or less) successful playtests we figured the game was in a stable enough state to put on Steam.

Now, we’re going to push hard on new features for a while until we hit another checkpoint. The next set of features is going to involve the diplomacy/trade aspects of the game, making the world feel more “lived in”, and adding additional craftable items and tradeable goods. We’ll be informing you of the progress on this as we go.



4 Responses to “Alpha 2.0.1 Released

  • tim piscovich
    10 years ago

    ok I purchased this game a while back , how do I update it ?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    how do i download the game

  • Everton
    9 years ago

    download? steam? where is the game? O-O

  • This is what’s wrong with KickStarter. This is vaporware… It looked awesome and a lot of work was done then they bailed. I expect this site to vanish soon to put the final nail in the coffin.

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