Version 17.10.08
We just uploaded a new version which has several major bugfixes and improvements. Here’s a list:
- Fix crash when Motherland tries to trade with player that has no balloon port.
- Fix crash in FNA build on startup when saved games directory not created yet.
- Fix crash caused by dwarf trying to put resources in stockpile not built yet.
- Fix crash caused by dead tree being in task queue for chopping.
- Fix crash caused by log file being in use by another application.
- Fix crash caused by traders spawning outside world bounds.
- Fix crash caused by unknown resource being used for crafting.
- When audio device is busy/unavailable turn off audio rather than crashing on startup.
- Fix crash in advanced world generator settings.
- Fix crash caused by building next to the edge of the world.
- Fix selection buffer issue that was limiting the total number of entities in the world to 256. Now the total number of entities can be over 2 billion. This was causing newly hired dwarves and some resources to be unselectable.
- Fix issue caused by animals being wrangled toward animal pen that hasn’t been built yet. If there are no built animal pens, the wrangle tool now refuses to activate.
- Fix issue with cave creatures/plants drawing before the cave has been explored.
- Craft item selection properly closes when crafting tool closed.
- Craft item selection list is sorted.
- Plant seedlings now properly get saved. Before, they would grow into adults when the game got reloaded.
- Fix dwarves getting stuck in ceilings while trying to sit on underground chairs.
- You can now access advanced world generation settings even while the world is getting generated.
- Spell research state is now saved.
- Progress building rooms is now saved.
- Vsync can now be turned off.
- Tutorial box no longer overlaps the dismiss button, making it difficult to click.
- Fix issue causing trade envoys to go to the first player stockpile before going to the balloon port.
- While building magic research stations, they no longer produce mana batteries until the magic research station has been built.
- Drawing of simple sprites/resources much faster now.
- Stockpiles drop items in piles of up to 64 resources rather than one at a time.
- Improve dwarf room building AI.
- Water heights smoother.
- Increased 3D sound falloff rate.
- Disallow building objects such that they are intersecting any object blueprint.
- New plant sprites. New plant sprout sprites.