Bugfix 1.016

I pushed a new version of the prototype with a few bug fixes:

  • – Hitting start before generate in the world generation screen no longer crashes the game
  • – Water gets pre-generated for invisible chunks as well as visible ones now
  • – Dwarves no longer try to plan continually to blocks that have already been deselected
  • – If any goals exist that can be planned to, Dwarves will go to those ones rather than trying the same one over and over (may fix some “dwarf freezing” issues)
  • – Tried to make it less likely crahses would happen while selecting blocks
  • – The Task Manager limits the number of goals dwarves will plan to 10 at a time. This speeds up some parts of the AI, but makes dwarves behave suboptimally.

Re-download, uninstall using Add/Remove Programs, and re-install to play.

11 Responses to “Bugfix 1.016

  • did it fixed the Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.NoSuitableGraphicsDeviceException
    em Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GraphicsDeviceManager.FindBestPlatformDevice(Boolean)
    em Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GraphicsDeviceManager.FindBestDevice(Boolean)
    em Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GraphicsDeviceManager.ChangeDevice(Boolean)
    em Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GraphicsDeviceManager.ApplyChanges()
    em DwarfCorp.DwarfGame..ctor()
    em DwarfCorp.Program.Main(System.String[])

  • Unfortunately not 🙁 I am still tryign to figure out why that fails for you. It is difficult to reproduce this error since I do not have a video card which has this problem.

  • my video card is nvidia geforce 6200 gt

  • i want the game a lot, the dwarves are so cool, and funny looking, the underground and illumination was also done very well. I haven’t seen a musketman yet, but they must be very cool too! i didn’t saw the whole PAP (pre-alpha-prototype) video, but building houses, with rooms that have different functions is very cool! will the rooms be more efficient as they grow?
    ex: bar will make dwaves even happier if there is some high quality ale on the stocks or if it is full of friends to talk and sing

  • Anonymous
    12 years ago

    Dude, fix the language problem, want to play this game so bad!

  • There is a language problem!?

  • Anonymous
    12 years ago

    that common problem when people in the rest of the worlds are trying to play. symbols on foreign keyboards/system OS etc.

  • That’s news to me. I believe it was fixed in 1.015

  • Anonymous
    12 years ago

    I get insta crash when i try to start a game, generated/flatworld. all the meny things work fine.

  • Okay, probably not related to international keysets then. Can you go to the forums and post a stack trace?

  • Galnegunnar
    12 years ago

    Its done

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