Getting your Keys/Download Links from Humble Bundle

Hi Backers,

There was some confusion with Humble bundle over how keys/links would be sent to backers. It turns out that we’ve been registered for the “Key resender” service through Humble Bundle.

To access your keys/downloads go to this link:

And enter in the email address you used to register through Kickstarter. If you’re entered into our database correctly, Humble will send an email to your address with further instructions after you enter it at the Key Resender.

Sorry for the confusion. Please let me know if there are any further problems with this!

4 Responses to “Getting your Keys/Download Links from Humble Bundle

  • Lachiesa
    11 years ago

    Is it too late to contribute in some way ? I just discovered your excellent game and found out that only backers would get the latest builds and that the kickstarter campaign has been over for a long time. If there is any way I can contribute for a key please tell me what to do and I will gladly pay my share ! I really want to be able to save my games you see haha

  • SurgicalGlitch
    11 years ago

    I also found out about the game just now and want to buy into it. But can’t find any way to 🙁

  • Ironlion45
    10 years ago

    I agree with the above user; you should consider starting a paid early access for the game on steam!

  • Want to buy now

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