What’s happening?

We are currently working on a big new build that will be coming out next weekend. We just want to make sure that it’s well-tested before release. The new build features our new event system, gremlin and kobold attacks, performance improvements, and improvements to dwarf AI and path planning.

One of the more important bits of AI improvement we’re adding is dwarves auto-cancelling tasks that have been deemed impossible to achieve, either because the dwarf was stuck in a cave or the task was in a place the dwarf couldn’t reach. This sounds like common sense, but it’s something we’ve been meaning to add for a while.

We’ve also been working on some raw performance improvements, reducing memory consumption and other important nuts and bolts to keep the game running smoothly on less powerful hardware. This includes changes that optimize the game when there are lots of creatures planning paths at once.

We’re also in the process of designing out a couple of new creatures. For example, here’s a Troll, an ally of the Goblin hordes.


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